For a relatively small city, Sheffield has never been devoid of musical talent. In an age where music is more accessible than ever, it seems like great indie groups are appearing in every corner of the city.

BLOOM are a four-piece indie rock group from Sheffield, active since 2021, with a handful of singles under their belt. ‘England Will Do’ is their fifth release, and it’s an energetic rock track with a classic Britpop-style hook.
The core theme is something that perhaps all of the English can relate to – a love-hate relationship with their country. Yes, England is a bit miserable – the weather stinks, the politicians are sleazy and corrupt, and life is just getting harder and drearier for the working classes – but we still have that sense of community and a proud, can-do attitude. Maybe we don’t love England – but it ‘will do’, in a modest sort of way.

The artwork is based on the iconic ‘I Love You Will U Marry Me’ graffiti, painted on a bridge at Park Hill flats and visible across the Sheffield skyline. Originally painted in 2001, and since 2022, reinstated with a neon sign visible at night, the graffiti has become an iconic symbol of the city, appearing on t-shirts worn by Alex Turner among various artworks.
The connection seems appropriate with the song – though the proposal was originally accepted, the pair supposedly broke up three months later, and sadly, the young woman being proposed to later died of cancer. There’s a connected theme of finding hope and optimism in dire situations. Before its regeneration, Park Hill was thought to be a desolate, abandoned brutalist figure above the city, with the love message a shining symbol of humanity in the midst of it. England may be a bit grim sometimes – but there’s plenty to be hopeful about, whether it bears fruit or not.
The song itself is definitely worth a listen – it is classic indie-alt-rock, with some great layering of guitars and an impressive vocal performance, topped off with a neat guitar solo. It echoes Arctic Monkeys and the simple-but-sweet indie productions of the 2000s, with a big focus on English-ness; it certainly feels very Sheffield.
BLOOM will play live at Network in Sheffield on Friday 22nd September 2023, in support of CARSICK. Tickets are available here.
‘England Will Do’ is available to listen to on Spotify here.